Desalination of Water: A Sustainable Response to Global Challenges

With population growth and climate challenges, access to freshwater is becoming crucial. Desalination of seawater and brackish water is an essential solution to meet the needs for drinking water and irrigation. These technologies offer a sustainable response to water shortages while supporting the economic and social development of arid regions.

Desalination Techniques

Desalination mainly relies on two major techniques:

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO): This commonly used method applies pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane, thus separating salts and impurities. RO is particularly effective for desalinating seawater, reducing dissolved solids by up to 99%. It can also be used for brackish water, offering flexibility for various industrial and agricultural applications.
  • Distillation: This process involves heating water to evaporate the salts, then condensing the vapor into pure water. Although less common than RO, distillation remains a viable option for certain specific applications.

Complementary Techniques

To further improve water quality, additional processes can be integrated:

  • Dechlorination: Removes residual chlorine to prevent undesirable chemical reactions.
  • Activated Carbon Filtration: Absorbs organic compounds, improving the taste and odor of the water.
  • Activated Glass Filtration (AFM): Offers advanced filtration to remove small particles and specific contaminants.


The desalination of seawater and brackish water represents a viable solution to global water challenges. These technologies ensure a reliable supply of drinking water and support agriculture in arid areas, contributing to food security and the preservation of natural resources.

Contact us today to discover how our desalination solutions can meet your water needs while respecting the environment.

Here is an example of a seawater desalination unit designed, produced, and commissioned by WATERTECH SA.

Brochure for Container Unit